SPSA – Couples/Double-Handed Race and Other Updates

Hello Sailors,
  • This Saturday, May 4th is our Couples/Double-handed race. Open to all members – any combination of two sailors. It is a pursuit race – 1100 first start. All start times will be posted by Friday afternoon, 4/3. Post-race celebration at the Sailing Center with awards and a light meal with a Cinco-de-Mayo theme will be provided to all racers. Please RSVP to by replying to this email or secretary@spsa.us by Friday morning. * If you're not racing on Saturday and would like to volunteer to help with the post race event please let me know. We could use one or two folks to help out.*
  • Update to the scoring/order of finish for our last Spring Series race on April 13th. 
            Spinnaker – 1st is Tack Tick
                                2nd – Gimmie Shelter
                                3rd – Mojo
            Cruising w/Spin (no change) – 1st – Charisma
                                                             2nd – Legacy
            Cruising – change to the order of finish do to a scoring input error
                     1st place is Slow Bell
                     2nd – Cayennita III
                     3rd – Desiderata
            Sonar (non-spin) – 1st is Sonar Burney skippered by Wendy Reeve
                                           2nd – Sonar Hare
  • Thanks everyone for a great season! Keep sailing through the summer – the best way to keep your boat and crew tuned is by running the KOB – don't forget to report the times to commodore@spsa.us.
  • Our next Board of Directors meeting is Tuesday May 7, 6:00PM at the Sailing Center. Our meetings are open to all members, please let me know if you plan to attend.  If you are interested in participating in the leadership of SPSA this would be a good meeting to attend or you can reach out to me and I can provide more information.

See you out on the Bay!